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About Us

We are four generations, keepers of the legacy, proud of the surrounding hills and valleys.

2014, Mother's Place is a Certified Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation, meaning we provide the four basic habitat elements needed for wildlife to thrive: food, water, cover, and places to raise young.

From Start to Finish


Mother was actually my grandmother, Grandkids all called her "Mother". When a tragic, first day mining accident took my grandfather, Mother made things work for a family of five. From sewing and quilting, gardening, butter, egg and milk money, this home has made it's way three quarters of a century as we share the crafts, simplicity and peaceful countryside. 


What we have planned


We're still employed full time, closing in on the retirement phase of life. We've traveled half of the U.S. and still believe we have some of the prettiest county-side to be seen. Along with the peace and quiet of the hills, we imagine a "pick your own" berry farm. The fields and orchard here alive with honey bees and fresh honey, and a seasonal Native American garden with squash and corn varieties.


Four miles to the south and west, down this winding road, a bridge crosses the North Fork of the Powell River and our riverside property will welcome visitors to come "stick your toes in the water" or "wet a line" for fresh fish. 

Mother's Mother, on a winter's day

Milked the cows, and fed them hay, 

Slopped the hogs, saddled the mule, 

And got  the children off to school.

Did a washing, mopped the floors,

Washed the windows and did some chores.

Cooked a dish of home-dried fruit,

Pressed her husband's Sunday suit,

Swept the parlor, made a bed,

Baked a dozen loaves of bread, 

Split some firewood, and lugged it in, 

Enough to fill the kitchen bin.

Cleaned the lamps and put in oil,

Stewed some apples she thought might spoil, 

Churned the butter, baked a cake, 

Then exclaimed: "For mercy's sake,

The calves have got out of the pen!"

Went out and chased them in again. 

Gathered the eggs and locked the stable,

Returned to the house and set the table,

Cooked a supper that was delicious,

and afterwards washed all the dishes.

Fed the cat, sprinkled the clothes,

Mended a basket full of hose.

Then opened the organ and began to play:

"When you come to the end of a perfect day."


Author unknown


Mother's Mother


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​276-220-4169 or 276-546-4395

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